Tuesday, October 31, 2006

of apples and dogs with gramophones

back from iShop at Cathay. from the outside, it was big. when i went it, it was rather small.
maybe the item i'm searching for is in small quantities .. but maybe not.

walking around iShop, this malay guy who works here asked me what i was looking for. i said a silicon case for my iPod. then he showed one called ICEWEAR and another called Loop.
he was kind and all. to make a long story short, i bought a green silicon case called Loop G5 by sumajin. it's okay la. it's freaking hard to put the iPod in. and the screen protector .. i placed it and had a small air bubble on my screen. quite prominent, but it won't ruin my iPod experience.

after iShop, i headed for Heeren. of course, HMV.
i looked at the A section till C, then head for the other end. HMV had this promotional sale, like some CDs can be bought 2 at about $37. i was thinking of a Kaiser Chiefs album, which i dont know how new it is, and Thursday's album .. which is like screamo? i think.

then i remembered, October Fall! $37. i was about to buy it, then i saw .. Punchline @ $37.

had trouble deciding which to buy. both from Fueled By Ramen, both 11 songs. but Punchline .. i had 2 free songs (courtesy of Purevolume) from that album. but that couldn't be the only reason to not buy Punchline's album.

so i used the only method of decision that i knew. the one that has been carried out since the dawn of time. the most famous, one to date.


Punchline, it is.
and now i'm 60 bucks poor.

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why the change?

after installing the google desktop thing, the news column showed something about Indonesia's top blogskin designers or something. so i took a look at Isnaini.com and his skins look great. well with some exceptions that look cliched and similar to others you can find in Blogskins.com.

so i MIGHT stick with it, but since it's the holidays .. i might try to make my own skin again. i used to make my own skins last time, fyi. but just decided to stick with the free, given Blogger templates.

okay, i'll take it that everybody has heard about the Wee Shu Min saga, with the famous '
please, get out of my elite uncaring face.' line, ending the controversial, kick-in-the-balls post. i, myself, just got to know of this issue at Singapore Band Fusion forum a few days ago (yes Matt, i'm outdated) and i thought, "Hey, whatever .. it'll be gone in 2 days or so."

it's been a few days since i've got of WSM saga, and alot more has been brought forth. the comic strip by Insane Polygon. and i dropped by Sammyboy.com (which i never heard of, lol) and saw the thread.

omg i cant believe what i saw.

i wont post up what i saw, but i'll give you the link and guess whats so 'omgthatssobig
, unless you oddballs have already got ahead of me and knew it, then i proclaim myself ... ALIF THE OUTDATED.

here's the link.
scroll down 'till you see the first picture, with 3 girls.
WSM is the one in the middle, with the mole.
i guess i was too crude lol
though there were mentions about what i was mentioning in the comments of that link above.

when Ms Wee said,
please, get out of my elite uncaring face .. when did Derek Wee ever get into her face? it's a blog, yes a public online diary. so everyone can read it right? but aren't people (or in this case, Ms Wee) the ones who chose to read it? in Derek Wee's post that triggered Ms. Wee's comeback, i dont think he mentioned her name right?

i dont find anything that serious in the content of her post, just that last line.
1. get out - when he never 'got in'
2. elite - dunno lar, too hao lian lol.
people, correct me if i'm wrong here.

- edit
matt found some stuff which may qualify her for the Sports Illustrated cover, hopefully.
ask me or matt for the URL. (if you're so damn curious)

anyway, going to iShop later to finally get a dock adapter and a case for my iPod.
my iPod has suffered various scratches at the back but i learnt to live with scratches on my portable listening devices (my 3rd, not including various discmans) so going off at 4pm~5pm.
should start getting used to go out alone :(

better spend my holidays wisely. i cant spend 24 hours at home watching tv, sleeping, eating etc.
i'll put on weight that i should lose. so better go out more, like this impromptu iShop visit.
tomorrow, there's a 4 hour band practice ending at 12pm. i dont what to do from 12pm onwards.
the computer can barely do so much (music,MSN,internet) the tv showing re-runs of shows.
i need to catch up on my movie watching. thinking of Death Note, Dead or Alive .. the hottest shows now. but that's like almost 10bucks per ticket.

they say :
"Money can't buy you happiness."

that saying should end with : "just kidding."


Monday, October 30, 2006

Prince Minutes

almost every blog i visit i see Princess Hours
a few of my friends has msn nicknames that contain Princess Hours
from what i get, it's some Korean Drama, also called Goong and girls go ga-ga over the actors.

so what is Princess Hours/Goong? where can i watch this show? it must be damn good until the youths of today get so hyped about it. greatest thing to hit TV screens since CSI, i guess.

i sooooo need to catch up with today's craze.
though, i assume its in Korean with Chinese subtitles .. 2 languages i dont speak.



Currently Playing : Don't Cry For Us - justincase

bought my school books today. cost me $223.90, and i didn't get my Pure History books, the Pure/Elective History workbook, Elective Geography workbook, Social Studies books and my CME book. gotta get them on the 11th.

pretty weird that the uncle at the bookshop who onced teased me because i got 50% for math 4 years ago (last time, that bookshop was MJS+MSS) was now selling me an Add. Math book. pretty lame and also dont think he remembers.

the new textbook looks AWESOME. except for the E. Math book, looks very .. er.. assessment book-ish .. in a way. they should to that old cover, nicer. Add Math was nice. had a mathematical compass and the Vetruvian Man on the cover. for my Pure Physics, Comb. Sci (Bio/Chem) .. ARE SERIOUSLY THE BEST TEXTBOOKS EVER. top marks for cover but whats inside is usually important (especially when it's your textbook) and guess what? it's awesome. Geography textbook looks nice also, and Mr. Lloyd Yeo co-wrote the Pure/Elective (used for those taking Pure History or Elective History) History textbook. nice, awaiting to see the Pure History textbook .. should be interesting.

Need to clear my room for the arrival of the double decker bed. that's the main thing now. also the air con, study table (which is actually a small computer table but i think i'll work something out to get more space) and maybe a possible new storage space so i can clear 2 big bulky items in my room, specifically the drawer which is stuffed with my bro's mindless junk and the book shelves. just put it in all 1 space and there's more space.

my room is weird. well, for now. i took down the curtains because my mum asked to. supposedly to make way for new ones. when i turn to my left everytime i use computer, it feels like everybody can see me. like i'm in a fishbowl, or in this case, Alif bowl. a 2m wide by 1.5m long space, window grills acting like a grid, each grid are like 10cm x 10cm ... i feel my privacy has been taken away.

oh whatever ;)

read the title. i rant randomly. every paragraph doesnt have a significant bond with each other.
and most of the time, the post title doesnt have anything to do with the post.



Sunday, October 29, 2006

school books

for some dumb family (like with relatives and people who say they're your relatives) meal at my aunt's. was okay, but nothing worth missing out on practice. i lost like 10 hours of practise.

then i was back at 6+ and my friend's dad was installing all sort of stuff.
in my grandma's room was fixing the fan to the wall.
in the toilet in my parent's room is a new shower head & lighting.
help put up the new clocks and some other stuff.

now i have $115, very little but i'm not asking for much lar. never seen so little 2 dollar notes during Hari Raya. if i didnt spend on food, transportation (that bloody $15 taxi ride from Ikea) i should have at least $140. now i have 115 smackeroos but i think i'm either gonna 1. save it or 2. spend it

yes, the simple concept of money.

by the way, check out the defunct, but still great, The Dismemberment Plan.
they have some free .mp3s up .. the first one from the bottom doesnt sound nice .. but it gets better when you scroll up.. so enjoy it.


Saturday, October 28, 2006


just a few more hours to practice. and i'm sweating in my room, drinking Seasons ice peach tea, the windows are closed, the air con is not working and i'm at the computer. yay.

i'm kind of worried about tomorrow. POC (Passion of Christ aka La Passio de Crist) it must be 95% completed by tomorrow and i can't play that running notes part which sounds like Canon in D if played slowly. but i must work hard to at least clear Movement 1 by next two times i get to play the instrument and move on to Movement 2 which has that triplets part that with alot of accidentals. then my solo..which i work on everytime i get a chance to play. need work on the high E,F and F#. pitching is hard because the songs i'm accustomed to in MSSMB won't need anything higher than B or C#. highest i have ever encountered is D (i think). and i realized i need to make it 'O'-ish (cant really explain it, usually conductors say 'Say "O" and play' or somethin like that) to play high notes but that method is usually for low notes.

end of november, finally gonna get a taste of an overseas band trip. it's at Bintan for camp, adventure camp apparently. the resort seems nice (check it out at www.loola.net) the accomodations very nice, exotic .. everything a resort needs. SGD200 for camp and i think we wont need money but i'll probably bring in 100
SGD (or 584,243.51IDR) for some stuff, dont know what exactly but we'll see.

4 houses and various people at my place amounting to about $120+/- (miscellaneous uses for transport,food etc. during pracs .. hari raya money btw) and for some reason my dad is giving my room a facelift.
new bed, new study table & new air conditioner. the air con, i'm not surprised he's replacing it because its spoilt. it drips water everytime i switch it on, and i have to put buckets under the dripping water. worse of all, my ub3r 1n73r10r d351gn1ng 1n571nc75 made me shift my computer table, with all the technology (computer, printer etc.) under the dripping air con. i have to hope that it wont drip that much because what's under it (the com & the power switches) may cause some fiery mishaps.

since i made a blog to rant and most importantly, for memory's sake.. steps to be taken to clear my room.
(may be some guai lan crap but you chose to continue reading on, so dont flame me or anything. the internet may be a free place but you have the power to NOT read anything, by closing this window/tab, so .. if you think it's gonna be shit, dont read on and later on, feel that its shit and tag 'complaints' or whatnot)


and done.

& the iPod w/ video is treating me fine EXCEPT that some songs aren't at where it should be (Like clicking Artists and seeing what songs you have sync'd in) it's at the Songs list which actually should be at the Artist page or whatever. but it's a minor setback, no biggie..so now need to get a dock adapter/charger/whatever and a case for it.


a long winded post yes.

i just read mr. miyagi's blog and yes, he has left brown town for other projects. i heard from the last podcast he was in, Robobeng, which was the funniest one up to date. and like the ones who commented on his post about him leaving the brown show, i have been stopping halfway during podcasts. like the latest one, it's too boring. school banding? i dont know if Imran Johari and Ruby Pan are the new members of the mr brown show and this Ivan (not ong or ng from 2E3'06) i dont know who is he (sorry, because i dont listen that far back .. i dont know if he had cameo appearances) now the puns are getting predictable or maybe just overused.

broadband? yes most people would think IT, Computers, Internet etc. but i saw the same pun in an Archie comic strip before .. [Archie jargon up ahead BEWARE] Prof. Flutesnoot can't remember the new thing that was introduced to Riverdale's computer lab and he saw Mr. Weatherbee walked by and he remembered it was 'Broadband'.

YES, it's not funny.

maybe a few giggles here and there. but i think this new team WILL make better podcasts. not all podcasts are like the 'Dead Birds' or 'Non-Political Podcast No. 6' i listened to some old podcasts before and ... it sucked :P mai hum mai hum
ok it stops getting funny after the 3rd time. but to many people, it cracks 'em up every single mai and hum is sang.

my mum was dissapointed Mr Miyagi left. her fav = last protest island .. which is also my fav.
and honestly speaking .. i started not to laugh at the podcasts when Ruby started to star in them >.< mun =" Mr" benjamin =" Miyagi" style="font-style: italic;">(i dont know how many condos are there are supposed to be in the title) this shows that they still can produce funny podcasts. just let 'em warm up before getting sizzling hawt.

crap, i feel like PNYRO.

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Friday, October 27, 2006


just a quick one before i head down to Sembawang CC for SSW sectionals.

i got back my results and i'm posted to 3E2! YES, i'm contented.
but at the spur of the moment when mrs tan was handing out the papers, i was thinking of 3E1 just for pure sciences sake, but who cares .. my goal is achieved and i'm happy.

same class with : [band] Ivan, Gary, Gerald & Melvin (that's all)

[2E3] Poh Shen, Ivan, Gerald, Shawn, Zhen Hui & Louis

my class seems okay, the form teacher ... warned by seniors so i'll wait and see.
Zhen Hui is dumb by opting for Art when he could go to 3E1. dumb dumb.

my subjects :
  • English
  • Mother Tongue (Malay)
  • Mathematics
  • Additional Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Combined Science (Chemistry and Biology)
  • Combined Humanities (Geography and Social Studies)
  • History


Monday, October 23, 2006

You gotta chew sugarless gum.

decode this, if you can.

it would be better if it were the real alphabets, but nevermind.
i'll pronounce it as :
Pe-Nai-Ro Le-Beh Feh-Pex or something like that.
if i mention the code here, it would be damn easy lah.
so work your mind or somethin'.

yes, in around 2 hours it would be officially Hari Raya and i will be .. erm.
sleeping or just watch tv. the wee hours aren't that fascinating, but some of my classmates are gonna come over tomorrow at 1pm to taste 'Hari Raya food' and goodies or whatever. watch tv, slack, computer.. whatever. my family doesnt go out on the first day anyway. but usually the 2nd or 3rd, which is bad because no.1 i have school and no.2 i will be vulnerable for SSW sectionals on Thurs & Fri, so can't jalan jalan much. less $$ haha, but i really need the practise for POC, Autumn Soliloquy and Concertino for Marimba. & maybe even Rhapsody for Flute.

i've been thinking of stuff to get (of course the iPod is still number one) and i'll just list 'em out.
  1. iPod with video (30GB)
  2. O2 PDA phone
  3. new video card
  4. some ram upgrades
that's about it, the PDA phone .. i think just a fetish.
can't believe i need technological support to remind me of certain events.
kinda makes you ask 'what happened the markings on the calendar?'


Sunday, October 22, 2006

June's Controversy Loves Company

controversy sure loves company. as shown in my parody on HopefuYouth/Caleb/Youth's blogging.
once again, it's just a joke. but of course, i expected a comment from Caleb himself like MadTv or SNL receive comments from people they spoofed, well .. don't they?

anyway, school starts tomorrow and i (& the muslim boys of MSS) have been given the privilege to leave the school at 1pm for some reason. for me, it's no use because i have band like 2 hours later. i rather stay in class for another half hour to spend the time, rather than sitting outside the band room for 2 whole hours. it's torture. it's not like have an iPod or anything ;)

tuesday is the day i've been looking forward to. Hari Raya and to some, the day when we stop fasting. i think i'm getting my iPod sometime this week but my schedule is damn packed. SSW sectionals in the evening means i have to miss family outings on whatever day we having sectionals. luckily i told Tianze that i'm busy on Tuesday and Wednesday.

final results + posting this week, but weird thing is .. i'm not nervous. maybe because i am having 'fun' not feeling stressed or that i finally can accept anything that's thrown at me. be it 3E3 or 3E2, anything is fine i guess. but for E4 or E5, i dont think i'll accept that lol. and i dont think i will get laterally transfered o.o

all on my mind is the iPod. i'm like Ivan with WoW.

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

what a night.

today, was great. skip some minor set backs, but yeah overall it was fun.
by the way, blogger is like crazy right now.

first part of the day was supposed to be band prac. i woke up at 8.30am then i seriously had to take a crap really bad. then after the 1st one, i needed to go a 2nd time, and then a 3rd followed by a 4th and for some reason a 5th. yes, i had/have diarrhoea. so i went for band, with 1 hour to spare.
i expected like sectionals, but it was main band playing RICH GIRL. yes RICH GIRL, that Gwen Stefani song. i had bass parts, what can you expect. but very bad attendance.
3 flutes, 4 clarinets (3 Bb & 1 Bass), 2 saxophones (1 alto & 1 baritone), 1 euphonium, 1 trumpet, 1 tuba, 3 trombones (2 tenor & 1 bass) and 2 percussionists. damn.

then i went home and .. err.. slept. slept all the way till the evening, just nice to prepare for dinner at Fish & Co. with the guys. but i arrived late because that POH SHEN asked me to look for a sign with Park Lane. i saw Park Mall, but he said Park Lane. i dont know where Fish & Co. was so i decided to become dumb and looked for a sign with Park Lane. then i called him and he said Park MALL.


then i walk walk and followed the sign. then lead me to the escalator where i got to fork out 4 bucks to some guy and lost 2 bucks from the change he gave me.


then i walk walk, called Matthew to clarify then i saw Park Mall. then walk walk (i walk la) to Fish & Co, and they were sitting at the 2nd floor. bad place, sooo cornered. we talked, then ordered.
i got the fish & chips and coke. the rest ordered the same meal with different drinks. and yea, the seafood platter too. we ate, took pics then Raphael came to just sit down. then the bill came, $145!! each person had to fork out 29 smackeroos. but i paid 20 dollars first, 10 bucks on Monday. since i'm on the topic on money, like i have to pay $26 to NWO and $10 to Matthew on Monday. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. okaywhatever.

then we walked to the MRT station to Esplanade to just walk around. cam whoring and whatever. was pretty boring. got some gig, with a very very pro drummer. then we walked towards the Fullerton Hotel and that's where the mishap started. we walked randomly and we got lost.
wait, i think we went to Clarke Quay then to VCH and then got lost. i wanted to go to Lau Pa Sat for desert but they walked to some ulu place in Chinatown or wherever. when we got back on track we were at the MRT station, near the place with Gramaphone inside. around Raffles Place MRT. on track to Lau Pa Sat, we took pics before going.

Matthew found Lau Pa Sat, which was 'downhill' from the AIA building. we walked and took the underpass to across the road. when we reached there, i was like sweating and fyi, i wore double. dumbest idea of the century (or maybe just for the day) i ordered chendol and the rest ordered some random deserts like soursop thingy for Kim Lai, lychee drink for Tim, chendol for PS, matthew got some drink and Raphael got some aloe vera thingy. they also ordered 20 sticks of satay. then we went home. matthew went alone to take the MRT while the rest was like arguing over whether to take taxi home.

i was like ... "just choose lar, i got prac tomorrow"

debated, and pros and cons were thrown. so i just took the MRT home. the rest followed. haha bitches. took pics on the NEL line back to Hougang. crazy emo bitches. and boy, did time fly.
at Hougang we seperated ways.

it felt weird going home at 11+ alone. i've been home like 12+. heck, 2am alone before. but there were usually some people around. but today, was different. it was pure solitude. alone. helpless ...

what the fuck am i saying. -_-

okay pics :

matthew & me (with my eyes closed)

matthew, poh shen and me. don't worry, matt's not a twit/cheena/beng whatever.

funny people.


glorious food.

more food.

"what's up with my food?"

eat eat eat.

yar, "brotherhood"

when food isn't glorious - inside Poh Shen's mouth.



i think matthew took this.

in deep thought, but at a restaurant?

the spookiest tree ever :D

too cool for school.

raphael at his best.

riding Raphael

The Fullerton Hotel


stop sitting at your computer after the exams. have fun, like them.


i can see a connection.

yay friends.

i know i said i wouldnt post this, but this is just too funny.
and i just saw Zhen Hui with some hot chick.

emo bastards.

Tim's Sony Ericsson K800i with a bloody good built-in 3.2 megapixel camera.

more emo bastard - ing. posed shots lar.

i failed being emo :( nevermind, indie for me hahahaha.

"AHHHHH" - Kim Lai
"Wtf, my hair sucks" - Alif

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Friday, October 20, 2006

the big ha-ha

eh Caleb, it's just a joke. learn to laugh at yourself at one point of your life.
because, you won't suffer if people copied your way of blogging and just made fun of it?
like you never make fun of people before in real life? this is so minor.
by the way, to stereotype is like to characterize or something. not square.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hieros Gamos - not just sex.

freakingly weird day. i woke up DAMN late, at like 8.15am and rushed to school. my first ever time rushing to school. i knew i was gonna be late but i still rushed and the back gate was locked by then so i had to run to the front gate. but like halfway, i could hear Mr. Wu over the PA system, that's how loud the PA system is. so i still had a spark of hope so i just ran. the councillors were going out to check for latecomers already and i ran. i made it but thought i was late because the song was going to be over but i realised that it was thursday and lower sec had to line up at the quadrangle.

thank god.

the whole day was crap, shan't elaborate further. the only thing good is the percussion thing at the hall and Ms. Foo taking the class. she said "I dont like boys who talk very loud." and i said "Teacher, you think we like you meh?" damn funny. and she doesn't know what an iPod is! has she been living in cave or something. which person above the age of 13 and below the age of 30 doesn't know Apple's famous iPod? anyway Uno + Matthew's iPod, best post exam activity ever in MSS.

at home, just slept alot. and i woke up late for *buka (breaking fast). i woke up at 7.15pm, nice one lar. after that, just slacked. felt like sleeping, but just watched tv. used computer, songs .. damn.
really need to get that video card pronto. i need to play AoE 3, which i still dont know if it will work because i registered with that product key.

damn no CSI tonight. so bored. but still, there's band tomorrow at 9. i dont feel like going but i have to practise (though FOTF and Concerto D'Amore is freakishly easy) and get my mouthpiece and scores for SSW the next day.

oh ya, DROGBA THE MAN. 1 - 0 BARCELONA HAHAHAHAHA. shevchenko is like useless man. i am a chelsea fan but i dont like that Shevchenko hasn't made a really positive impact on the team. 1 goal with various appearances sounds like a midfielder not a striker. but still, he is a Chelsea player and Mourinho wont just buy him because he's the best Ukranian player (i think). i'll wait. he has 52 or 51 Champions League goals so i will wait (i sound like Viktor Navorski)

i think i'll be gettin my iPod in a few days time, either online or go to an iPod store.
okay, i feel like spoofing one more time, just a small one.

XBox. i'll own.

if anyone guessed who i spoofed ... then good lar.
if you think i spoofed you, then err ... sorry or whatever.

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God bless mi,my frens,my enemies and my underwear : )

Today was a school day and i think my marks was good : )
i'm glad that i cleared some misunderstanding with me and my underwear : ) i like to put alot of these : ) : ) : ) because i think they are cool. i onli got back my 2nd combination marks and it did the hokey pokey today : ) : )

Today my gangmates, es : ) pec : ) ially : ) Mr Ong and Mr Zonggongalong decided to become straight and it caught me off guard : ( they took sometime to get away from me so i also ran away from myself. it took quite awhile to get away from myself and i don't know why. I decided to poke myself but I didn't resist because it could start a fight and serious damaging of the cornea.

We had drummers in the hall and i think they are cool : ) i was thinking about what is going to happen after sKooL so i pitched my tent and slept. and i think i'm the smartest 5" 8 person out there : )

then me and my gang did something stupid after sKool : ) i like to spell school as sKool because it's Kool : )

I'm trying to convince Mr Yang/Peter Crouch/The Tall Kid that i'm not proud but he doesn't believe and calls me something that i cant say and if i say it i'll become dumb : ) : ) : )

National Science Challenge, which to me, is the best local comedy show : )

God bless mi, my frens, my enemies, my frens parents, my enemies pet hamsters, Mr. Ng, Mr. Low, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Yang/Crouch/Tall and anybody who thinks i'm dumb : )


a dumb post. just a parody. i DONT blog like this by the way. sorry to the person i spoofed and i hope you change. lol.


oh ya, ensemble.

i've yet to perform in an ensemble.

okay nevermind that. ok there's OM at 8, which is 7 hours more.
i will wake up at 5, for sahur and then maybe not sleep.
unhealthy, yes.

anyway, most of today was crap.
i took a crap alot in school, and skipped band because of that.
anyway i'm going for this impromptu friday practice when others are gonna skip.

anyway, games.
got expose to this turn-based game called SpaceFed (i think).
really interesting, reminded me of AoE.
and i realized i bought AoE III last year (or early this year, cant remember) and i cant play it because my computer fits the requirements except the video card. mine is 32MB while AoE requires 64. no wonder i cant run MU. & i realized that i un-installed AoE from my computer a few months ago. now i dont know if i install again, the product key will work. if not, waste like 50 bucks for the game.

and now i dont need to drag my CPU to whatever shop to let the guy put in the card. because i found out Uwais knows the anatomy of a CPU not like me, who uses the computer every single day and doesnt know what runs it.

i want to make a spoof/parody post on someone. inspired by TWK (The Wine Kone) and his konelyguy video. last week, i was finding the most stereotypical blog (written by someone i know) and i found it. rather coincidental because matt was talking about him. so i not 'poseur' hor Mr. Yang (the tall kid)? lol i'm like becoming him already.


anyhoo, i'm a fan of crime busting serials. like CSI and such.
some, like NYPD Blue which i dont get, sucks to me.
my top favs are :
  1. Criminal Minds
  2. C.S.I. (Las Vegas)
  3. C.S.I. (Miami)
  4. Law & Order : Special Victims Unit
havent watch C.S.I. New York before and now i'm trying to watch more CSI episodes on AXN.
i know there's Crime Weekend or whatever on AXN (Ch. 19) like 4 hours of CSI (or more)
too bad i have SSW on Saturday but i'm free Sunday.
also heard of Numb3rs, i heard from that A* booklet where Mrs Tan said that blind girl was her college mate. so got to watch out for Numb3rs.


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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

rant & vent

didn't feel like posting anything because, like, my results weren't what i intended to be.
some were surprising, in good & bad ways.
i only know the SA2 marks for English and Malay.
76% for English (my first ever A1) and 60% for Malay (my first ever B for malay)
the rest are MYE results which sucks also. like lit & home ec.
really dissapointed with literature and home economics. both B4s.
i can't really be like all depressed because there are people worse off and still not sweating up bullets about their average scores, they play and it's because there's no exams.
now i know, NEVER STRESS YOURSELF WHEN EXAM'S ARE OVER. EXAMS = STRESS, so yea.. stress after the big stress is over is like bad.

anyway, band resumed and i have MSSMB-rehearsal lag. i dont really have the mood for MSSMB but it is the first above all because it is where i started (quote Gav) yea and this week, already 2 pracs. 3 more (including SSW) and man, am i tired.
it's a tuesday, and i love tuesdays because my fav show is on at 11pm.
i am freaking tired but yes that show keeps me awake. it's like waiting to break fast, i will always wait.
i'm impressed at the band today. Concerto D'amore (that freaking piece) was well done for a small majority. and FOTF was great man, the trumpets excelled fast for that 'duet' with euphonium.
mr gavin made the sound nice, and today's band was more fun.
lol, no mr sukit?

now awaiting for my art result, and C5 is the highest i can expect for such a piece.
calculate the marks with SA & CA and whatever (i seriously dont how the hell they get the final marks), maybe can get B4 la, but so, erm .. high.
malay, should be a C5 or B4 if they calculate the marks with the idontgetituseusiccus theorem
anyway, i just hope i get in 3E2, after consultation from seniors ..they say i have a chance.
even if i get into 3E3, i have mapped out what combinations also, no POA and triple humans.

one A, 6 Bs. nice one lar.

UOM, hopefully.

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

0 x 1000 = 0, ivan ng?

damn worried, results out tomorrow.
and it's really coincidental that Keep Your Voices Down by Days Away is playing.
it has this part, with sit back and relax , yes .. just what i needed.

speaking about Days Away, it's one of the bands that i never get tired with.
bands that i have grown old for me are like Rufio, Taking Back Sunday (at one point), P!ATD etc.
Days Away is appropriate for every occassion. only have a few songs though, all legal of course.
from promos and purevolume. & i intend to order their CD (Mapping An Invisible World) through FBR/DD store and also their poster. i think my rooms needs decorations and stuff.

okay today was really, wow. on the way to Sembawang CC, i bumped into Kim Lai at Ang Mo Kio MRT station. then went for SSW meeting, nothing to elaborate there. then took the bus with Cheng Fu & Aaron Ng. then parted ways then took the MRT home.
one incident here, as always i take the MRT from Yishun to Ang Mo Kio and then take 74 from AMK, as usual.

but i was damn dumb lar.

i thought i missed AMK station, when i saw PHS which is in YCK.
i alighted at YCK, so i was going to take the MRT back to where i thought was 'AMK'.
then i realized i alighted one stop early. argh.
after realizing my stupidity, took the normal route back.
then at AMK station, guess who i met?

Kim Lai lar. omg. so accurate.

i missed my train, then i met Kim Lai. wah lao.
then took 74 with him back home.

at home did really nothing. just slept.
okay results. i'm fine if i dont make it to 3E2, just that i tried my very best.
more pool and pizza again?

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

bored at home

freaking bored at home, you would imagine.

my day was spent reading kennysia.com, sleeping, err .. listening to Riding The Fourth Wave .. err kennysia.com .. that probably sums it up. now i'm more energetic after eating (har de har har) and i'm still bored.

anyway i found very funny stuff other than kennysia.com (archives, now at Feb 2006), the bloodninja chatlogs. go Google it.

holidays holidays, people want it. they will kill (something) for it and whatever that will explain how bad students want it. i, at the beginning, want it .. now i freakin' dread it. and it's only 4 days. i can't imagine 2 months. at least 3/7 of my holidays would be band pracs (MSSMB & SSW).
that means around 4 days per week of free time.

do what sia?


no game
no job (though i can easily get one, but it's a family business thing)
cant eat (for 12 hours till 23 Oct ): )

slack & sleep?
i'm turning to one sad assmunch.

i'm just awaiting hari raya, get the money and get that iPod.
i'm a greedy ass, i know.


Friday, October 13, 2006

okay, this is of no use anymore.

Currently Playing : Whatever You Want From Life - Voicst

wanted to upload the pics from yesterday, but i can't find the bloody pouch that has the USB cable.
being the laziest SOB around, i was .. lazy to find it la.

yesterday was UBER great. pizza, pool, soda, friends, movies .. what more could you ask for?
well maybe alot, but it's great. watched Little Man & 40-Year Old Virgin, which was very funny.
then played pool, slack, "sing" and eat.

okay yesterday, major headache and when i cough my head hurts. today it was definitely better.
so today, did nothing. sleep, slack, tv, computer, kennysia.com archives etc.

will upload the pictures when i finally some fibre in my body decides to become proactive.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

fancy a headache?

so much for a fruitful thursday.

-i played World Cup 2006 on my XBox.
-watched random videos on youtube.
-tried to tab out the flute intro from Riding the Fourth Wave (which i didnt have to because i could just have transposed it from the main line)
-read KennySia.com

kenny sia is one funny guy, and like mrbrown, i didnt know what the big deal was with this guy.
now i know. again.

oh ya, saw some freakingly funny gay-mofo-sh1toz0rzszsxsz dance video from like a school convention or something
its damn funny, and i thought... "looks freakingly familiar.."
then i viewed the video again, and i knew who it was.

"damn it, it's matthew yang"

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i'm about to burnt alive and you're asking me not to panic?

well, yes.

okay the EOYs have ended, with a sad ending however.

i'm sick, my head hurts mainly. but Riding the Fourth Wave keeps me happy :)
i'm trying to tab out the flute part and i got first 9 notes already.
equipped with my computer,windows media player,a Yamaha tuner and an expired version of Finale Songwriter.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

just accept life.

home from school, math paper 2 was okay, if i had more time.
i lost 13 marks, damn. but the rest of the questions was quite easy.


as i said before, i woke up at 1.20am. & was wide awake.
was bored, so watched The Ellen DeGeneres Show (and i found out she's a dyke) and Oprah.
Oprah was interesting, it feature a girl who couldn't feel pain. people would normally think that when you take pain away, everything will be okay. that is so not true.
this girl, chewed her fingers and cant feel a thing. she poked her eye until she became blind (or temporarily, not sure). she attained 2nd degree burns and nobody knew.
who knows if she broke her bones, and nobody knew.

another was a people who has Tourette Syndrome. it IS a freakingly interesting topic.
go search Wikipedia.org on this.
another segment was about a girl who has Sirenomelia (Mermaid Syndrome, again .. search in Wikipedia) the picture is there.

Wikipedia is now my best friend :)

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omg i can't believe it

i hurt my back yesterday for some reason. and yesterday i slept accidentally, at like 8+?
and i woke up at 1.20am, thinking "shit."

i didn't practise any math AT ALL yesterday. i felt like i'm ready, with nothing to lose. but now, 2.21am and i'm awake STILL lazy to indulge in mathematics.

but after tomorrow, i have to work x2 to finish my art by 11 so i can have proper rest and let whatever creativity flow through me. dont want another MYE where i slept at 1 to complete sketches.
a couple things are gonna change around the house, because hari raya is coming.
we have a new sofa a couple of months back, after anticipating it's arrival for months.
i'm anticipating the day i get the couch out of my room. also gonna go hunting for a good double decker bed and a small study table. and of course, the hari raya $$ to fund my 30GB iPod with video.

soo many nice shows, soo much maths ...


Monday, October 09, 2006

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."

Martin Luther King


Bring back Angela!

Currently Playing : One Man Team - The Makeshift Heroes

just found one more great ska band, again by surfing the 4th wave.
The Makeshift Heroes. horn section made up of : trumpet, alto sax/flute and baritone sax.
used to have one chick tenor saxophonist called Angela but she left :(
she's not that hot, but cool cause she plays ska saxophone :)

anyway history is done and over with. i'm super happy now.
and i was right all along. i knew that the 2 options of essay question was either about the communists doing whatever they did or the reasons for merger. and it came out. damn lucky. but regret wasting my time studying chapter 7 WHICH my history teacher didn't touch on yet it's written on the piece of paper stating what to study.

left with Math P2 and art. i'm 65% ready for math, just do a little revision later before going out at 5 to pass Tianze the ticket booklet.
for art, i seriously damn lazy to even take out the paper from my file.

left with 2 papers, specifically just 3.5 hours. then the teachers will stream us, during the 2 day reprieve. i'll be enjoying myself on thursday at matt's party at his place and maybe going to gas haus for Cut-Outs gig (maybe).

i just have nothing to look forward during the hols. band pracs, maybe OM .. nothing much.
i want sign up for a course, dont know which. been thinking about doing something about the guitar in my room. i bought during 2004, and i havent learnt anything. the other one i'm considering is a jazz saxophone class at yamaha. need to learn both classical/symphonic and jazz.

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

radio music.

Currently Playing : Too Tame - Action League Now!

a new pop-ska machine has risen
to the music scene, or rather the Toronto ska scene.
Action League Now! sounds like I Voted For Kodos (also known as IV4K) with a female fronting the band. good combination, with Kristine Kupcake doubling on the flute.

i sound like some lame reviewer, okay seriousness aside. Action League Now! is an awesome band, with a cute chick inside haha. go download the song at their purevolume site here.

i found out about the band when i was visiting the 4th Wave website (online Ska Zine from Toronto) and just looked at the concert pics. just have a look at my links, get the website url and find yourself :)

and after browsing, i also found out ska bands have weird names.

okay, his-toreee



waiting for my tutor to arrive, forgot what time was the arrangement.

anyway, yesterday was a nice day. hang out with friends, slack, eat prata.
started off by meeting timothy at hougang mrt, heading for dhoby ghaut. then met shannon at serangoon station. we alighted at dhoby ghaut then headed for bishan, destination : NLB Bishan.
we reached the library around 11, then looked for a spot. we tried every floor before settling on a couch at the 2nd floor. then the guys in the pod beside us left, so we got in lah. not very nice place to mug. very stuffy and quite warm. studied a bit then matthew arrived and we just slacked and looked at girls :D

then we left the library at 12+ for j8. just walked around, and was thinking of catching a film but didn't. they ate the foodcourt while i just sat there haha. then we left for matthew's place at YCK. then at the condo, we just slack slack slack, thinking of what to do then the security guard let us have the pool room for 45mins. we played, and i sucked. my first time, a very good reason.
then we went to matt's apartment and played with his PS2. winning eleven 5 (or was it 6) then shannon left. then he played metal gear solid, i just listened to his iPod.

for dinner, went to casuarina curry with matthew, tim and matthew's dad. nice chat there. few laughs. then his dad paid the bill, then gave me a lift home.

nice day overall.

okay tuition time (but he's still not here)


Friday, October 06, 2006

science class ..


finally, science, supposedly the main subject of the EOYs, is over. but it was a killer of a paper.
luckily for the science remedial yesterday, we asked a question, and it came out. most of our queries that was cleared came up. but it was still a very very tough paper. i think i lost 5 marks already.
damn nitrogen cycle. nevermind, it's over and there's nothing i can do except mug for history and math.

i think the most is a B for science. cant make it for an A, too difficult.



Thursday, October 05, 2006

random photos & I DID NOT PHOTOSHOP THEM.

just uploaded my random photos. fyi, i made fried rice yesterday because i was bored. go figure.
some nice artistic shots, some normal. BY THE WAY, i assume people would think i photoshop some of this pics (the reddish ones), i didn't. it's a trick i found out myself. if you wanna know, ask me :) okay enjoy the pictures.
