Sunday, August 19, 2007

Where's Powter when you need him?

I must say yesterday was a relatively unproductive and overall, a bad day.

The drill trainings were of course part and parcel of what was bad, but still, it was good. But I think that holding the sax is much more easier than holding your hands together. It gives your mind to fixate on something else. Well of course I can't say much about the tubas.. well yep.\

The other thing was that bringing home the 'Horn' alto was pretty much a waste,at first. I finally figured the obvious problem. It wasn't much of the sax, when it was more on me. My embouchure is suited for the bigger mouthpieces .. so wasted air escaping from the sides of my mouth. But I still dunno why I don't have an airy sound on the sop.

The only thing that made me glad yesterday was Joel telling me he finally he figured out the first part of Wolfe's quartet. That would make any senior proud (or me at least), I let him take responsibility of his own part and he did it.

He's gonna do great things.


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