Saturday, August 11, 2007

hey! epiphany!

Went to the movies today.

Dunno why but Gary & Fikri asked me to go. Seriously, they really wanted me to go so I jokingly told them I would go if they paid for the ticket and my lunch - which I did not expect them to actually agree to my dumb conditions (no take backs already)

So yes, a free movie - AGAIN. The last 2 movies I watched also free. Gary had to treat me to lunch, but I owe him $6. So, to pay back the money, he didn't have to treat me. And also, another condition was that I didn't have to pay for the St. Gabs concert ticket money which he already paid for! Good lar please. But I did spend my fair amount of money. A $6 lunch, a $3 candy bar and a damn fricking small packet of M&Ms (not expired, I think) and a bottle of Green Tea @ A WHACKED PIRCE OF $4.50!!! THE M&Ms were like $2 AND THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS THING WAS THAT THE $2.50 WAS THE GREEN TEA! In school it's $1.20 (or $1 at the old vending machine) I think some popcorn combo would be more worth it then King-sized crunchie (which I dunno why I keep buying when I dont like the caramel in it), a teeny packet of chocolate balls and some drink that (supposedly) kills sperms.

Rush Hour 3 is great. Dunno why critics just like to put down quality shows like these. Makes me wonder if the company's paying them top dollar to put down nice films and raise popularity with bland titles. Reviews are just opinions of some guy who is deemed 'El mucho greato' (I made that up, fyi) so you don't have to freaking swear by it. Maybe I should just read reviews and if they it sucks, then it should be the best movie ever made.

Other than my random rants, I've just finished practising my sax for a solid hour. Realized by self-practise sucks. I set up my horn, blow Concert Bb, check for sticky pads, rush through the scale and repertoire. Dude, no basics lar. Maybe I'm to accustomed to the an Eb horn rather the current Bb horn with me now. Like I'm being re-programmed or something. Scared I memorized some cheem 6 sharped scale then when I transition .. good game lar.

Anyway just to say : Alun Cook is a nutcase with his music. Genius nutcase

He's good lar.


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