Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Discriminant > 0 no?

Exams are going to end soon. A math & Hist SEA papers are left. And for some unknown reason, I'm more worried about the Hist SEA paper on Friday rather than the one subject I truly dare to say that I seriously suck at, which is of course, A math.

I just realised that I may not have a choice but, to cram both topics that were given to me to study. So from what I wrote in my trusty textbook,

2.1 -> Why did SEA become colonized? In what way was it different?

2.2-> What was the impact of colonization which was not important? In what way were they (impacts) different? similar?

I can only remember of 2 colonization studies. The one where Vietnam was colonized by the French & the other one is the colonization of Malaya by the British. So 2.1 suggests that I compare both French colonization & British colonization. So, I guess it's kinda like a bigger SBQ? Okay, point noted.

2.2, hmmmm. Impact of colonization ... I think this was what the first essay test was about. Impact of the colonization of Vietnam. There's the religious, social and some other reasons/impacts. Argh, lucky son(s)ofagun twins no A math. Extra day to cram all the info down.

Nonetheless, I tomorrow on 'mad chiongz' mode. Armed with a pen, textbook, ubër hax (notes), my notebook & my iPod playing stuff ranging from The Ataris to Antonin Dvorak; I will be the walking SEA terminator.

"I'll be bachk."

"After lunch."

amathamathamathamathamath is =/= <3



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