Been reading about the current hot-topic : The massacre at Virginia Tech done by Cho Seung Hui. I watched the videos, read it up at MSNBC and I conclude that this case is very very .. erm .. unique but similar to those crime shows on tv.
What freaks me out is his, what MSNBC calls .. his "multimedia manifesto". The pictures freak me out already because though yea.. it IS weird. But the dense words on the pieces of paper. DUDE, DENSE. Its like Time New Roman with font size 7 or something. That dense.
And I read his 2 scripts. Richard McBeef & Mr Brownstone. Okay, I was lazy to read Mr. Brownstone but Richard McBeef was seriously absurd. To summarize it : A guy called Richard McBeef is the stepfather. Then the son calls him Dick. Then Richard put his hand on the son's thigh. Then profanities fill the pages ahead. Then blablabla until the son stuffs a cereal bar into Richard's mouth and Richard kills him with a slap. I think.
Moving on, so for some reason he consideres Eric & Dylan martyrs?! What sort of martyrdom act did they do? Eric & Dylan killed 12 people (Columbine High Massacre : band people think Ticheli's "An American Elegy") suddenly. Same case though. Both are like outcasts then suddenly they snap. boom. Next you realize, you have a hole through your head. Well .. other people realize it .. not you.
Anyway, this case intrigues me because it ignites a former fire.
AHHHHH to bio hw, a math hw, malay hw & physics test.
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