Posting now, about well .. technically yesterday.
Instrument-slash-theory test was okay. I got a B, and 3 others also had it. Surprised 2 of 'em were from the tuba section. More surprising it was ZH and Alvin, a sec one. Kudos to them.
I finally ordered the 2 books on profiling at the Kinokuniya bookweb thingy. Costs me $92.80 and arriving approximately on Monday. I'm still speculating if I should order my other 2 books thru Amazon. It's gonna cost me SGD60 just to get 2 books worth SGD40 ... around US10 shipping charges. Wanted to get Philip Glass' 'Symphony no. 2 : Interlude from Orphee' CD that I've been dreading for and can't get because the torrent just can't connect .. but it's US16? It's either listening to a concerto for saxophone quartet or indulging in a book on sociopaths :\
Foot drill test tomorrow, kinda worried because they put the 'stresser' there. This would decide THE post and if we get to brandish off a nice foot drill badge on our sleeve. THE post I'm referring to is of course, the Drum Major post. The fact that have been told to us that ANYONE that gets the highest for the foot drill test WILL BE the drum major. So there IS a possibility that the one seniors may have to take orders from WILL be a junior (or if the case happens - a senior) So I'm kinda worried. Like someone can just come out from the blue just rises up and grabs that authority. That is, if a lower sec did that.
So after footie drill, gonna rest at home for a couple of hours before heading for my all-expensed paid Philwinds concert! Woot, first ever PW concert. Should be good...wait MUST BE good. Any band that has played Samurai, Third Sym, A Myth for Symphonic Band must be good! And can catch that Kevin Bobo guy and his marimba.
So fun.
Anyway, I'm done with Season 1 of Criminal Minds. Went straight on to Season 2 because the last episode I caught on Channel 5 was 'The Fisher King pt I'. Cliffhanger episode. Then just watched the first ep of season 2. Kinda anti-climatic, if I do say so myself.
MJS Camp post will be up by tomorrow or Sunday.
Hmmmm, and the Zodiac killer has been uncaught for 30 years ...
Seems that I'm drifting from History books to psychology ones...
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