Thursday, June 21, 2007

3E2 (+ one 3E1 + one 3E5) BBQ @ EAST COAST PARK (20/7)

The barbeque was good. "Nice" food, plus enjoying each other's company.

This BBQ was very sudden. Idea was proposed only on Monday night. Meaningless MSN conversations led to some mediocre plan. The day before the BBQ, after English class, me & a group discussed the plan and whatnot. Discussed for a good hour in school before booking a pit at Hougang Green (via AXS station) Then ate lunch at LJS, where I did admin work (a.k.a calling everyone up) Then shopped for stuff at Shop N Save. The stuff totaled to around $114~. Went home, with heavy stuff. Okay, so that was a brief overview of Monday.

So yesterday (in a technical sense) left my abode at 6.20pm, waited for like 15mins for Gary with a bucket of raw chicken in one hand. Then picked up JJ & Terence, so after that headed for ECP pit 49. We were the first to reach there. Unpacked our stuff, cleaned the tables. Ivan & gang arrived around 5 minutes prior to us getting there. Then started the fire at around 8. I think most of 'em were there 'cept for Jeremiah & KO.

JJ starts things off.

Jiong Le & Terence

Stupid way to use wire grillz.

As Ivan claims it to be, "fireflies"


this guy likes "posed-candid" shots

alamak; "candid"


3E1 do all the work la hor


JJ using my leek a.k.a butter brush thingy a.k.a the-thing-that-eventually- smelled-like-lemon-chicken-then-like-satay


he's always in my shots with his damn drink.

Jeremiah's wieners

salty (+ wet) bee hoon

The Art of _______

eat skewer

eat bottle
Now presenting, Alif's upclose shots that looks so noob
Beng 2~

Beaver/Guy with drink/Melvin

(I toldja, he's always in my shots with his drink)


Beaver Ho, how heavy are your balls?

AWWW~ Section mates
(notice he has a drink)


look at Melvin's stupid face

group ar

Yam Seng lar

My happy, warm, not-evil smile.
Reminds of a 'Reba' episode.

3E1 do work, ok lar I not class-ist (JR's term)

rich kid do work

Junior copies the senior

I promised to put this up, and I did.
Gerald's fav shot.

Lantern 101.
Materials :
Random pics :

The BBQ was good. Everyone was happy. Need proof? Fret not.

CJ happy
JL happy

KO happy

Terence happy

Gary very happy
Melvin's best friend for the night was the coke can and the cups.

Then got mini argument between 2 people about something BBQ and the venue or something.
The 2 are :

1. Jeremiah (which I wonder why he wasn't at Scout camp)

2. Beng JR

Geniuses flock together.

There; proven.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Mum's muffins - gone! All 36 of 'em

KO Superstar


East Coast Food Village - Salvation, Food, Water & Relief

in deep thought - bullshit


Striped boyz (3rd & 1st in class respectively btw)

striped smart asses

take me take you

Okay this is the part, where we were not hungry anymore. Damn bored. So do what ar?
As you all may know, fun can come in many forms. In this case, in came in a form of JJ, fire and a bottle of deoderant.

Do the equation : JJ + deoderant + fire
= instant flamethrower.

first few failed attempts

I think it came out okay, but my camera couldn't get flame since the flash was on.

Ground Supernova

gathering for the show

Best one I caught



Upclose, kinda cool pic

Say Genius! and Greg will storm off.

Tonight's specialty : Barbequed paper plate with a dash of Chinese leek

Beng play with fire

Presto, Bon apetit

Nerd Boss

We ended at around 12, so much for wanting to "stay overnight" or until "2 to 3am"

the cleanup crew


This eventually turned into a mini taupok, with Ivan as the base and me just second after the base.

& then Ivan escapes

Ivan with his dumb hand ...

... in the freakin' air

Look ma, I'm at the front.

preparing for the standard "formal" shoot


formal la hor

alamak, NWO say act cute and I'm the only one up for it.



Jeremiah's dad was eyeing us for a long time. And they did this middle finger shoot with his dad just beside us....
Wee Ong's photosnaps ..

dig nose

pole dancing .. we emulate everyone and anyone la


12.30am, and waiting for a cab.

Me, Twins and Melvin took the first cab. Didn't realize that from ECP, it followed the same route that I'm very familiar with. The cab driver cut through Defu Lane to Melvin's home (I didn't know he lived in a condo) then to my house, with the twins dropping off last. Reached home around 1am. Damn tired, but didn't sleep (I'm here la @ 5am, please)

Uploading of the photos took me 2 hours, and I didn't realized you could upload 5 photos at a time. Alamak.. imagine how long would I take if uploaded 1 by 1.

Need to complete my English by tomorrow. Then can do the other Sciences/Maths on the weekend.

Sleepy... And if anyone wants the full .zip file of ALL the pics ask me on MSN (again, practical deja vu) It may take a long time, but not as long as the 6G one ok (camp attendees should know) The pics I posted are of same quality (when you enlarge it) as the one in the .zip file. The ones are posted here are just the tip of the iceberg. Lots more in the .zip file.

ok, gonna go sleep.
good morning.

the link to download the .zip file

good day!


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