Montfort Presidential Elections : In A Nutshell
For the past 2 days, candidates for the spot of council president have been having their rallies. I've only heard 2 candidates' rallies and heard comments on the other 1, and 1 seems to be MIA for some reason. Only heard him during the introduction, haven't seen his rallies.
But, seeing the posters around school, 2 or so promise to give, give and give some more. Ankle socks, coloured laces, no-study week etc. In this context and enviroment - it works. So this whole election becomes this = POPULARITY CONTEST. Sad to say, it is, really a contest to show how many people like you. Getting votes by giving empty promises, very tough if in the end, what the candidates promise said actually turns out false.
In the first place, in all the obscurity, what does the council president really do? I am no councillor so I can't really give the real layout of the job. He's the head of the student body so I guess he administers stuff or something like that. But he must be a leader, so how does one gauge leadership?
I do not know.
In the topic of promises, I think when promising something, it must be realistic. I keep hearing "Guy X will let us wear black shoes leh" or "Guy Z let us wear home clothes" etc. Before the guy can let you do this, he of course must go through the school administrators. I think if the issue of school morals is brought up, the answer for everyday ankle socks, black shoes, long pants etc. would be a straight no. But if they think we need a 'change', so be it.
But no one can really 'promise' this. That's why it's an empty promise. If they say 'I will try' it sounds better than 'I promise' because the thing never happens, I think that candidate's life in school will be hell for the next year or so.
So what criterias do you place a vote on? For me, I abolish all the things that they offer (e.g ankle socks, shoelaces) I wanna see the first guy to say something about the school.. how he will make it better. The only guy I've seen say so much about the school is.....
Maybe because he reiterates his point in his presidential rally blog ( by saying the graffiti wall, canteen problem, toilet etc. Others been giving what you can wear and do. Whats the point if you can wear black shoes but in the end step on the bird matter in the canteen. I think those material things must be on hold on a higher level.
So here I end my rant. Reiterating on the empty promises, if someone promise girls to the school every also flock to that guy right? Or maybe not, since the possibility of it happening is a mere daydream.
By the way, I'm not asking for anyone to vote for Justin - just that what he promises is more realistic than no-study-week. Plus, I've worked with him on OM and he was a great a person to have around. Ok I sound bias, but who cares? So since there's lack of Vote4Justin posters around school, the information superhighway will be a great way to advertise.
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