Stuck in the very middle
Today was relatively good. My ENG file was 5/6 complete haha, not bad for an unorganized person like me.
History was the good today. Alot of interesting stuff, because t'was about the Nazis and of course, Hitler. Nearing the end of the lesson, Mr Lloyd Yeo explained about the breaking of churches from the main church and some other stuff that I can't recall. So before the lesson, Mr. Yeo played Johan Strauβ's (or Strauss) Radetzky-March because he wants to emphasize on what was important to the Germans - their army.
And I borrowed the CD of marches from him! Damn cool, he got it from Germany. The Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Herbert Karajan. The CD is called 'Radetzky-Marsch; Preuβische und österreichische Märsche mit Herbert von Karajan'.
The tracks are :
- Radetzky-Marsch - Johann Strauβ
- Yorckscher Marsch - Ludwig van Beethoven/Arr. J. Schade
- Torgauer Marsch
- Pariser Einzugsmarsch - Johann Heinrich Walch
- Unter dem Doppeladler - Josef Franz Wagner/Arr. K. Mosheimer
- Florentiner Marsch - Julius Fučík
- Königgrätzer Marsch - Johann Gottfried Piefke
- Wien bleibt Wien - Johann Schrammel/Arr. W. Schmidt-Petersen
- Petersburger Marsch
- Hoch- und Deutschmeister Marsch - Dominik Ertl
- Preuβens Gloria - Johann Gottfried Piefke
- Kärntner Liedermarsch - Anton Seifert
- Fehrbelliner Reitermarsch - Richard Henrion/Arr. H. Männeke
- Erzherzog-Albrecht-Marsch - Karel Komzák/Arr. M. Villinger
- Fridericus-Rex-Grenadiermarsch - Ferdinand Radeck/nach Carl Loewe
- O du mein Österreich - Ferdinand Preis/nach Franz von Suppè/Arr. L. Doblinger
- Des Groβen Kurfürsten Reitermarsch - Cuno Graf von Moltke
- Mir sein die Kaiserjäger - Karl Mühlberger/Arr. J. Blaha
- Vindobona-Marsch - Karel Komzák/Arr. A. Mader
- Hohenfriedberger Marsch - Friedrich II. von Preuβen
- Troler Holzhackerbuab'n - Josef Franz Wagner/Arr. S. Tanzer
- Alte Kameraden - Carle Teike
The hols are packed with remedials. Band practices aren't hectic 'cept for the day camp at Whitley. Then SSW will resume so during the free time I can entertain myself with Southpark and CRIMINAL MINDS!
Yay for
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